Hello from Colour - B!

Hello from Colour - B!

Hello from Colour - B!

This is our first post and reach out to all of our creative pioneers that have signed up to find out more about us.

Today we want to share some exciting updates for you all...

The first official podcast episode detailing the creator of Colour - B's journey from a single Eureka! moment to the beautiful modular trolley system you all see today - is now live on How to cut it podcast. you can listen here:  


We will be attending Salon International this year on the 15th and 16th of October 2023. we will be onstage talking and sharing all things innovative in our beautiful industry on the Platform Live Stage by Howtocutit Media and our Friends Innolux. 

There will be a live talk on our most important resource in our industry - You! on the 16th at 10.30am held by our founder and creator Mustafa Hassan.

You will get to see some of the most dynamic and exciting industry talks happening right here on this stage all weekend, and for those of you that know and have signed up to our email - we will have our concept trolley there for you to see and experience in person!

We really can't wait to meet you all and build this community of Pioneers together, and with your support Colour - B will B the first place to go to for unique innovation that really matters to our people in all salons and spaces around the UK.

Bye for now and thanks for your support.

Together we can grow and build the industry we want for us - By us!


Colour - B


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